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Прокатчик получает от нас сообщение о брони и резервирует для вас точно тот байк, что Вы выбрали во время бронирования. Вам остаётся только наслаждаться поездкой!
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Если Вы когда-либо будете в Фару, Португалия, не думайте, что единственным способом передвижения здесь является общественный транспорт. Вы можете взять мотоцикл в аренду у местных прокатчиков и исследовать всё полностью самостоятельно. Мотоцикл не вредит окружающей среде и доставит Вам множество впечатлений. Вы сможете открыть для себя места, которые обычно скрыты от туристов. На этой странице Вы найдёте список самых лучших и недорогих мест, где можно взять мотоцикл напрокат в Фару (Igreja de Santa Maria, Igreja da Ordem Terceira de Nossa Senhora do Monte do Carmo, Forum Algarve, Municipal Museum of Faro, Ria Formosa Nature Park, Capela dos Ossos de Faro, Algarve Life Sciences Center, Arco da Vila, Ilha do Farol, Praia de Faro, Faro Marina, Barreta Island, Pousada Palácio Estoi, Casa do Arco do Repouso Muralhas de Faro, Jardim da Alameda João de Deus).
Большинство прокатов в Фару имеют многолетний опыт, на нашем сайте Вы найдёте прокат только новых мотоциклов, с полной страховкой и отличным обслуживанием. Поэтому, если Вы ищите прокат мотоциклов в Фару, просто воспользуйтесь формой поиска или нажмите на кнопку ниже. Приятного отдыха!
Описание:This motorcycle was developed to ensure the pleasures of modern motorcycling while reflecting the aura of the eternal classic style.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:23
Описание:Break away and accelerate toward freedom, experience new things and enjoy the rush of wind – with the BMW R nineT Scrambler.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The CRF1100L Africa Twin sports one of the best engines ever in an adventure bike. The parallel-twin design is narrow, and delivers torque everywhere from idle to redline. You’ll have more grunt down low, and cruise easy on the open road.
Type: Adventure; CCm: 1084; HP: 100; Number of Seats: 2; Wind Shield: No.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 28 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:28
Описание:Type: Adventure; CCm: 1170; HP: 125; Max Speed: 200 Km/h; Consumption: 4.6 L; Number of Seats: 2.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 28 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:28
Описание:Type: Adventure; CCm: 798; HP: 75; Max Speed: 192 Km/h; Consumption: 3,9 L; Number of Seats: 2.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 25 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:Type: Tour; CCm: 1170; HP: 125; Max Speed: 200 Km/h; Consumption: 4.6 L; Number of Seats: 2.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 28 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:28
Описание:Our customized Boneville 900 Café Racer style.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The modern, innovative, high-performance motorcycle whose innovations favor riding comfort and safety.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable taxes.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The F900R is a naked streetfighter that loves mountain bent roads.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometres, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:An exciting motorbike even for those who don't have A driving license.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates. You can drive with a car license if you are more than 25 years old. You can drive from 20 years old if you have A1/A moto license.
Вод. права:«B (car)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The modern, innovative, high-performance motorcycle whose innovations favor riding comfort and safety.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable taxes.
Вод. права:«A1 (or A)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The lightest Softail powered by a Milwaukee-Eight 114 engine with loads of power. Pure and Hard Bobber attitude.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The high quality of the materials, durable styling, comfort, and versatility make this the perfect bike for daily commutes and weekend escapes. Its innovative features, such as built-in storage capacity, win points, as does the characterful two-cylinder engine that offers considerable torque with impressive fuel efficiency.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 25 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:The modern, innovative, powerful motorcycle whose innovations favor riding comfort and safety.
All our rentals include unlimited kilometers, civil liability insurance, the use of a luggage solution, the use of one helmet and all applicable tax rates.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:Perfect for motorcycle touring on alpine routes and mountain adventures, it has a versatile suspension suitable for traveling safely and comfortably for riders and passengers.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 25 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:With a sporty spirit, with a high level of components, the Desert X is the perfect bike for motorcyclists used to high performance. Not forgetting comfort, with a perfectly ergonomic seat ideal for motorcycle adventures, the bike's ability to minimize bumps on rough roads is impressive.
Mileage 300km per day until 6 rental days. Unlimited KM will be offered for all motorcycles from 7 rental days onwards.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 25 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25