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Если Вы когда-либо будете в Лиссабоне, Португалия, не думайте, что единственным способом передвижения здесь является общественный транспорт. Вы можете взять мотоцикл в аренду у местных прокатчиков и исследовать всё полностью самостоятельно. Мотоцикл не вредит окружающей среде и доставит Вам множество впечатлений. Вы сможете открыть для себя места, которые обычно скрыты от туристов. На этой странице Вы найдёте список самых лучших и недорогих мест, где можно взять мотоцикл напрокат в Лиссабоне (Jerónimos Monastery, Belém Tower, Castelo de São Jorge, Praça do Comércio, Oceanário de Lisboa, National Tile Museum, LX Factory, Miradouro da Senhora do Monte, Monument to the Discoveries, Carmo Convent, Tram 28, National Pantheon, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, MAAT, National Coach Museum, Time Out Market, Arco da Rua Augusta, Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, Santa Justa Lift).
Большинство прокатов в Лиссабоне имеют многолетний опыт, на нашем сайте Вы найдёте прокат только новых мотоциклов, с доставкой в аэропорт, полной страховкой и отличным обслуживанием. Поэтому, если Вы ищите прокат мотоциклов в Лиссабоне, просто воспользуйтесь формой поиска или нажмите на кнопку ниже. Приятного отдыха!
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case available from 30L to 47L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1600. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- High Windshield
- Engine and fairing guards
- Side-cases 2x 35L
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €15.80 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top case available from 30L to 47L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1600. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- High Windshield
- Engine and fairing guards
- Side-cases 2x 35L
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - GPS Garmin Zumo; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €15.80 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Fuel tank bag: 25L
- Chain lock
- Triumph Side-Panniers 2x 15L
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1900. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- Engine guards
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - GPS Garmin Zumo; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €18.40 / rental day, subscribed during check-out
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Fuel tank bag: 25L
- Chain lock
- Top case. 30 to 47L
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1600. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €15.80 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
Описание:Type: Adventure; CCm: 798; HP: 75; Max Speed: 192 Km/h; Consumption: 3,9 L; Number of Seats: 2.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; unlimited mileage; 24h Road Assistance; All Taxes, Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 25 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:Type: Adventure; CCm: 1170; HP: 125; Max Speed: 200 Km/h; Consumption: 4.6 L; Number of Seats: 2.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; unlimited mileage; 24h road assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 28 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:28
Описание:Type: Tour; CCm: 1170; HP: 125; Max Speed: 200 Km/h; Consumption: 4.6 L; Number of Seats: 2.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; unlimited mileage; 24h Road Assistance; All Taxes; Complete Luggage System (3 cases); Engine Protection.
Requirements: Minimum 25 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:25
Описание:Type: Heritage Scrambler; CCm: 1200; HP: 110; Max Speed: 200 km/h; Number of Seats: 2. Storage: No; Wind Shield: No.
The CRF1100L Africa Twin sports one of the best engines ever in an adventure bike. The parallel-twin design is narrow, and delivers torque everywhere from idle to redline. You’ll have more grunt down low, and cruise easy on the open road.
Type: Adventure; CCm: 1084; HP: 100; Number of Seats: 2; Wind Shield: No.
Included: Motorcycle insurance; unlimited mileage; 24h Road Assistance; All Taxes.
Requirements: Minimum 28 years old. A (motorcycle class) driving license issued 3 years ago.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:28
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case BMW Vario 25L to 35L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1900. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- High Windshield
- Engine and fairing guards
- Side-cases BMW Vario: Right 20L to 29L / Left 30L to 39L
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - GPS Garmin Zumo; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €19 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1100. Only blocked on bank card.
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage.
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €450: €16.80 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case available from 30L to 47L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1200. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- Engine and fairing guards
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €16.20 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case available from 30L to 47L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €1600. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- Engine and fairing guards
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €16.40 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case available from 35L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €800. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- Engine and fairing guards
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €14.20 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Driving license category B if the driver is over 25 years old or A1, A2, A and 18 years old.
Вод. права:«A1 (or A)»
Мин возраст водителя:18
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €2100. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- Engine and fairing guards
- Side-cases
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €21 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case: 35L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €2100. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- High Windshield
- Engine and fairing guards
- Side-cases: Right 30L / Left 40L
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - GPS Garmin Zumo; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €21.60 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21
- All taxes
- Helmet Givi Air Jet 11.1
- Top-case BMW Vario 25L to 35L
- Chain lock
- CDW, damages and theft insurance. Deductible €2100. Only blocked on bank card
- Third party insurance and 24h road assistance
- Unlimited mileage
- High Windshield
- Engine and fairing guards
- Side-cases BMW Vario: Right 20L to 29L / Left 30L to 39L
- Full face helmet; - Gloves; - Jacket; - Trousers; - Boots; - GPS Garmin Zumo; - Phone holder; - SCDW: damages and theft insurance reduction to €200: €23.6 / rental day, subscribed during check-out.
Вод. права:«A (moto)»
Мин возраст водителя:21