Confronta i prezzi, le condizioni di noleggio e l'ubicazione delle aziende. Non perdere tempo con un'altra ricerca: tutte le società di noleggio del mondo sono già su!
I contratti che stipuliamo con i nostri partner ci consentono di offrirti prezzi speciali. I nostri prezzi sono sempre uguali o inferiori a quelli che troverai all'arrivo.
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Il nostro team di assistenza clienti multilingue è a tua disposizione per aiutarti a godere la tua vacanza.
Se un giorno sarete a Rodi isola, Grecia, non pensate che le tue uniche opzioni per andare in giro sono i piedi e il trasporto pubblico. È sempre possibile noleggiare una quad o buggy da parte di alcuni fornitori locali e godere di questo ottimo posto da soli. Il quad è un tipo ecologico di trasporto, che ti offre più impressioni. È inoltre possibile scoprire tutti i luoghi interessanti nascosti dai turisti e utilizzare alcuni percorsi fuoristrada nel deserto o nella foresta. Qui troverai una guida per trovare il più popolare e economico noleggio di quad a Rodi (Rhodes town, Lindos, Faliraki, Archangelos, Afantou).
I documenti richiesti possono variare a seconda della compagnia di noleggio, ma le regole comuni sono le seguenti: 1) puoi guidare un quad (ATV) o un buggy (UTV) con una normale patente di guida B (auto); 2) potrebbe essere richiesto un deposito per il quad noleggiato che verrà restituito alla fine. Il permesso di guida internazionale (IDP) può essere richiesto dalla società di noleggio se si prevede di utilizzare le strade pubbliche, si consiglia di verificare i termini di una società di noleggio esatta.
Sul nostro sito è possibile noleggiare i seguenti tipi di veicoli fuoristrada: quad, ATV, quadricicli su strada e fuoristrada, quad con cambio automatico o manuale, con bauletto, 4x4 ATV, UTV, dune buggy e buggy da spiaggia.
Sul nostro sito web è possibile noleggiare un quad bike dei seguenti produttori: Polaris, Honda, SYM, Kymco, Yamaha, Can-Am, Arctic Cat, Kawasaki, Suzuki, CFMOTO, AlphaSports, KTM, Coolster, Bombardier, TaoTao, Aeon, Linhai, Thor.
Quando effettui una prenotazione di una quad potrai anche ordinare i seguenti servizi e attrezzature aggiuntivi: casco integrale, navigazione GPS, citofono, chilometraggio illimitato, cassa superiore, custodie laterali, stivali, giacca, guanti, guida individuale o tour, mappa completa assicurazione, noleggio di sola andata, consegna all'hotel, consegna al porto marittimo, o consegna all'aeroporto di Rodi.
La maggior parte dei nostri noleggio quad in Rodi ha molti anni di esperienza e vi fornirà una nuova ATV, un'assicurazione completa e un servizio cordiale. Numero di queste aziende che contano ogni giorno, quindi se vuoi noleggiare una quad a Rodi, usa il modulo di ricerca nella parte superiore della pagina. Buon viaggio!
Descrizione:Automatic ATV for 2 passengers. Prices include: all taxes, full insurance (while driving on asphalted roads), helmets, road map, expander. Motorbikes delivered/returned to hotels. Maximum self risk in case of damage is 350 euros.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:23
Descrizione:Automatic quad for 2 passengers.
Prices include: all taxes, insurance (while driving on asphalted roads). Helmets, road map, top box, roadside assistance, unlimited mileage.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:•New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers •Helmets Included
The CF Moto 450 offers driver focused ergonomics, which provides great handling and impressive performance.
The auto gears are: High/Low/Neutral/Reverse/Park, plus the gear lever is also lockable to deter thieves.
CFMOTO has made the 450 model as an entry level workhorse, designed for a multitude of applications. It is equipped with beefy 25" CST tires on 12" alloy rims, a tow-bar, 7 pin trailer hookup, front and rear steel racks and a high spec LCD dashboard.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:•New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers
The king of buggies is here!
Our 50" chassis is more than just compact in stance. Our vehicles combine lightweight design, refined suspension geometry, and the industry’s best True On-Demand All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system for instant power delivery to the wheels that need it most. The result is firm control and unrivaled agility across the tightest trails.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:•The only one in Rhodes Island •New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers
The king of buggies is here!
Our 50" chassis is more than just compact in stance. Our vehicles combine lightweight design, refined suspension geometry, and the industry’s best True On-Demand All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system for instant power delivery to the wheels that need it most. The result is firm control and unrivaled agility across the tightest trails.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car) issued 3 years ago»
Età minima del conducente:23
Descrizione:•Brand New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers
A dune buggy also known as a beach buggy is a recreational motor vehicle with large wheels, and wide tires!
Engine: 1400cc; Weight 610 kg;
Fuel system Gasoline; Fuel capacity 60L.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:•Brand New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers
A dune buggy also known as a beach buggy is a recreational motor vehicle with large wheels, and wide tires!
Engine: 1100cc; Weight 610 kg;
Fuel system Gasoline; Fuel capacity 60L.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:Automatic quad for 2 passengers.
Prices include: all taxes, insurance (while driving on asphalted roads). Helmets, road map, top box, roadside assistance, unlimited mileage.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:The CF Moto 450cc quad is a powerful and versatile ATV that appeals to both recreational riders and professionals. With its potent 450cc engine, this all-terrain vehicle offers impressive acceleration and ample torque for tackling challenging trails and tough terrains.
Rates include: Unlimited kilometers, full insurance (while driving on asphalted roads), 24/7 road service throughout the city, Two helmets, 24% VAT.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car) issued 3 years ago»
Età minima del conducente:18
Descrizione:The CF Moto 450cc quad is a powerful and versatile ATV that appeals to both recreational riders and professionals. With its potent 450cc engine, this all-terrain vehicle offers impressive acceleration and ample torque for tackling challenging trails and tough terrains.
Rates include: Unlimited kilometers, full insurance (while driving on asphalted roads), 24/7 road service throughout the city, Two helmets, 24% VAT.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car) issued 3 years ago»
Età minima del conducente:18
Descrizione:•New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers •Helmets Included
The CFORCE 520 is equipped with a most updated CFMOTO mid-displacement engine, a 495cc engine. This 34HP engine is an industry-leading engine with liquid cooled, single -overhead-cam and fed by a 40 mm Bosch Throttle Body. Featured with optional EPS, choice of single and double seat, a pure CFMOTO family design DNA.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:•The only one in Rhodes Island •New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers
You’ll never compromise with the new RZR Trail S. Tighten every turn with the stability and traction of a perfectly balanced trail vehicle. Shorten the distance between turns with immediate acceleration. And ride on your terms with unmatched comfort.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car) issued 3 years ago»
Età minima del conducente:23
Descrizione:•New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers •Helmets Included
CF Moto 625 L features both outstanding performance and versatility. Equipped with a powerful and responsive hardcore engine, it is sure to give you an unforgettable driving experience. Lots of accessories designed for maximum driving pleasure.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:•The only one in Rhodes Island •New Vehicles •Unlimited Kilometers
The king of buggies is here!
Our 50" chassis is more than just compact in stance. Our vehicles combine lightweight design, refined suspension geometry, and the industry’s best True On-Demand All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system for instant power delivery to the wheels that need it most. The result is firm control and unrivaled agility across the tightest trails.
•You can receive a vehicle in Rhodes seaport (Akti Sachtouri 2, Rhodes) in Faliraki (Leoforos Κallitheas, Faliraki) or (14th klm Rhodes-Lindos Avenue, Faliraki). We offer free transfer to/from our offices between Rhodes and Faliraki or in range of 10 Km from the offices. We do not offer transfer to/from the airport or vehicle delivery.
•Please mention in the comments your hotel name in case you need a transfer, and attach a photo of your license.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car) issued 3 years ago»
Età minima del conducente:23
Descrizione:Automatic Quad Bike.
Rates include: Helmets; Unlimited kilometers; Delivery & collection to/from Hotel or port if the hotel is in range of 15 Km from the center of Rhodes city; 24/7 road service throughout city; 24% VAT.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:21
Descrizione:Quad bike, model of 2021 for 2 passengers. Standard insurance is provided with a choice of full insurance for an additional fee of 10 euros / day.
Included: hotel delivery and collection, third party insurance.
Categoria della patente di guida:«B (car)»
Età minima del conducente:22