Comparez les prix, les conditions de location et les emplacements des entreprises. Ne perdez pas votre temps à faire une autre recherche - toutes les entreprises de location du monde sont déjà sur !
Nous avons conclu des accords avec tous nos partenaires et nous offrons des prix spéciaux. Nos prix sont toujours égaux ou inférieurs à ceux que vous trouverez sur place.
Nous informerons votre fournisseur de votre réservation et le véhicule que vous avez réservé vous attendra à votre arrivée. Venez et profitez de votre balade !
Nos calendriers sont mis à jour en temps réel. Sélectionnez vos dates et réservez en ligne.
Vous ne trouverez pas le même véhicule pour les mêmes dates à un meilleur prix, c'est garanti!
Vos plans ont changé? Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pouvez changer de date ou annuler votre réservation sans payer de frais supplémentaires.
Notre équipe de service à la clientèle multilingue est là pour vous aider à passer de bonnes vacances.
Ako jednog dana putujete, nemojte misliti da su vam jedine mogućnosti za uzlijetanje stopala i javni prijevoz. Uvijek možete iznajmiti skuter ili motocikl od nekih od lokalnih dobavljača i uživati u ovom sjajnom mjestu po sebi. Motocikli i skuter su ekološki prihvatljivi tipovi prijevoza koji vam pružaju više dojmova. U središtu grada uvijek ćete naći parkirno mjesto za vaš motocikl. Također možete otkriti sva zanimljiva mjesta skrivena od turista. Ovdje ćete naći vodič kako pronaći najpopularniji i jeftin najam motocikala diljem svijeta (u Španjolskoj, Italiji, Francuskoj, Portugalu, Grčkoj i mnogim drugim zemljama).
Potrebni dokumenti mogu varirati ovisno o tvrtki koja se iznajmljuje, ali su zajednička pravila kako slijedi: 1) možete iznajmiti skuter 50cc s običnom licencijom za vozače (B); 2) možete voziti skuter 125cc s A1 licencom; 3) s A2 ili A kategorijom vozačkih licenci možete voziti male motocikle do 250 cc; 4) puni A (moto) licencu potrebnu za sve ostale vrste motocikla. International Leads Drivers Permit (IDP) može zatražiti tvrtka koja se bavi iznajmljivanjem, uvijek provjerite uvjete točnog pružatelja usluga.
Na našim web stranicama možete iznajmiti slijedeće vrste vozila: krstarice, sport, obilazak, standardne, klasične, dvojno namjenske, prljavštine bicikle, ulice, gole bicikle ili roadsters, helikoptere, običaj, streetfighter, sport-obilazak, dual- off-road, avanturistički motocikli, supermoto, skuter, motocikl s bočnim automobilom, enduro, motocross mx, staze, motare, tricikle, bicikle s automatskim ili ručnim zupčanicima, luksuzne motocikle, klasični skuter, Vespa, moped, motoroller, motoscooter s bočnim automobilom s automatskim ili ručnim mjenjačima, s kotačima s tri kotača, velikim, skuterima s maxi, skutera s vjetrobranskim staklom i krovom, podvozjima, električnim skuterima, quad-biciklima, ATV-om, četverokotačima, četverociklima, cestovnim i off-road quad bikes, quads s automatskim ili ručnim zupčanicima, s vrh slučaj, 4x4 ATV, UTV, dina buggy i plaža buggy.
Na našoj web stranici možete unajmiti vozilo sljedećih proizvođača: BMW, Harley Davidson, Aprilia, Buell, Cagiva, Ducati, Gilera, Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, KTM, Husqvarna, Jawa, MV Agusta, Moto Guzzi, Triumph, Benelli, Bajaj, Indian, Royal Enfield, TVS, Beta, Bimota, Adly, Aeon, Aprilia, Piaggio, Bajaj, Benelli, Derbi, Gilera, Kymco, LML, Malaguti, Peugeot, PGO, SYM, Vespa, Polaris, Can-Am, Arctic Cat, CFMOTO, AlphaSports, Coolster, Bombardier, TaoTao, Aeon, Linhai, Thor.
Pri rezervaciji motocikla možete naručiti i sljedeće dodatne usluge i opremu: integralnu kacigu, GPS navigaciju, interkom, neograničenu kilometražu, gornji slučaj, bočni sanduk, čizme, jaknu, rukavice, individualni vodič ili obilazak, kartu, puna osiguranje, jednosmjerni najam, isporuku u hotel, dostavu u morsku luku ili dostavu u zračnu luku.
Većina naših partnera posjeduje dugogodišnje iskustvo i pružit će vam novu motocikl, punu uslugu osiguranja i prijateljsku uslugu. Broj tih tvrtki broji svaki dan, pa ako želite iznajmiti motocikl ili skuter, samo upotrijebite obrazac za pretraživanje na vrhu stranice. Sretan put!
Description:Rates Include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 10 days or more***, 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Value Added Tax, Help with Airport transfers, Security lock, 24hr Support Service.
***1 - 9 day rentals include 300 km per day, extra km 0,50 EUR/km.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:25
Description:Rates Include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 10 days or more***, 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Value Added Tax, Help with Airport transfers, Security lock, 24hr Support Service.
***1 - 9 day rentals include 300 km per day, extra km 0,50 EUR/km.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:25
Description:Rates Include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 10 days or more***, 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Value Added Tax, Help with Airport transfers, Security lock, 24hr Support Service.
***1 - 9 day rentals include 300 km per day, extra km 0,50 EUR/km.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:25
Description:Rates Include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 10 days or more***, 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Value Added Tax, Help with Airport transfers, Security lock, 24hr Support Service.
***1 - 9 day rentals include 300 km per day, extra km 0,50 EUR/km.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:25
Description:Red color, top case and 2 side cases, 12v charger, crash bar, GPS holder.
Engine type: V2, four-stroke; Engine details: 90-degree V-Twin; Power: 69.0 HP (50.4 kW)) @ 8000 RPM; Torque: 69.0 Nm (7.0 kgf-m or 50.9 ft.lbs) @ 6400 RPM; Top speed: 185.0 km/h (115.0 mph).
Rates include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 7 days or more (1 - 6 day rentals include 350 km per day, extra km 0.20 EUR), 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Security lock, Phone holder, 24h Support Service.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:Enduro / off-road.
Engine: Four stroke, parallel twin cylinder, DOHC, 4 valves per cylinder; Capacity: 798 cc; Starting: Electric; Max Power: 62.5 kW / 85 hp @ 7500 rpm; Max Torque: 80 Nm / 8.2 kgf-m / 59 lb-ft @ 5750 rpm; Fuel Capacity: 16 Liters.
Rates include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 7 days or more (1 - 6 day rentals include 350 km per day, extra km 0.20 EUR), 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Security lock, Phone holder, 24h Support Service.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:BMW R1250 GS Exclusive Edition is a top of the line BMW touring bike, ready to take you anywhere you desire.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:25
Description:The new Ducati Multistrada V4 S is one of the most fabulously accomplished bikes, loaded with an almost perfect blend of extreme performance, supreme comfort, practicality and unrivalled levels of technology.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:25
Description:Brand new in our fleet. Ducati Multistrada is one of the most prestigious motorcycles on the market. Easy to ride with lots of additional equipment.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:The Ducati Scrambler is a hero of sorts in Borgo Panigale and that’s for more reasons than one. Developed in keeping with the Ethos of the 1962 Ducati Scrambler, the new age motorcycle brought motorcyclists, both experienced and newbies, an easy to ride, fun motorcycle.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:Brand new model BMW R1250 GS. Experience new technology in motorcycle world on beautiful Croatian roads.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:24
Description:Fun and easy motorcycle which will take you anywhere. Convenient for a short trip, but also for a long one. It gives you lots of power with enough comfort for any distance.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:24
Description:2022. Fully equipped: ESA, Keyless, GPS prep, Cruise, Gear Shift PRO, Ride Modes PRO, DTC, ABS PRO, TPM, Heated Grips, Adaptive Headlight PRO, Cruising Light, Spoke Wheels, AUX Lights, Crash Bars.
Rates include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 7 days or more (1 - 6 day rentals include 350 km per day, extra km 0.20 EUR), 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Security lock, Phone holder, 24h Support Service.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:Type: Water-cooled 4-stroke in-line two-cylinder engine; Bore x stroke: 84 mm x 77 mm; Capacity: 853 cc; Rated output: 77 hp at 7,500 rpm; Max. torque: 61 lb-ft at 6,000 rpm.
Rates include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 7 days or more (1 - 6 day rentals include 350 km per day, extra km 0.20 EUR), 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Security lock, Phone holder, 24h Support Service.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:CB500X is a perfect travel partner! It’s packed with rugged adventure looks, quality brakes and long-travel suspension – powered by an A2-approved twin-cylinder engine that delivers plenty of power.
Seat Height: 83 cm (32,7″) (standard seat); Fuel Capacity: 17,7 L; Power: 35 kW (48 Hp) at 8600 rpm; Weight: 197 kg (unladen weight; road ready; fully fuelled).
Rates include: Unlimited mileage for rentals of 7 days or more (1 - 6 day rentals include 350 km per day, extra km 0.20 EUR), 3 Luggage Cases, Third party liability insurance and Comprehensive vehicle insurance, Security lock, Phone holder, 24h Support Service.
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:21
Description:V-Strom has a great torque and power that is 100% aimed at real world street riding.
Price includes: Side and top cases; Phone mount + USB plug; taxes and insurance; 340 kilometers per day (Unlimited mileage for 7+days rental).
Permis de conduire:«A (moto)»
Âge min du conducteur:24